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How to tell your cat to get a Job
Is your cat sleeping all day? Are you starting to feel like you're the only one that picks up after them? Maybe its time for you to sit your Furball down and have a chat. You'll want to make sure that you're setting boundaries and writing impact statements. This is...
Commentary: stop painting rocks to look like cats
I'm just simply tired of this viral trend and I think its gone too far. I know I'm getting old and that means I don't necessarily understand all of the youths trends. Case in point - did you know that the youngest generation of cat ladies was born in 1994 - according...
Food Truck Round Up 2017 Live Tracks
Pete was kind enough to mix and send over these tracks he captured this past summer. Thanks Pete! Check them out: Photo By David...
A thought on branding standards and quality.
Quality is your customer's perception after purchase. The most common questions I get asked about band merch are all cost based. The simple truth is most bands are running on a shoestring budget and trying to get the best price all of the time. value your brand While...
New Recording 12.m4a aka “Anesthetic”
Right click and "save as" to download New Recording 12 Or listen here:
How I’m using (my own) button products
Hi! I've been making pinback button products for over 4 years now (woo!) and it all started with me buying the 1" press for my band Folk Hogan. We were playing a show with a punk band and I was watching their fans go crazy for their 1" pins, paying $1 or $2 each for...
You’ll never believe this clickbait article…
If you think it was a waste of time to click on this otherwise pointless article, you may be correct. However you may also be wrong. Its like my uncle once said "opinions are like nipples" I'm not really sure how that is relevant to the current situation, but man -...
New Game causes end of times, analysts say
"It started with a simple game and ended with fire-breathing demons and mass hysteria." says local pokéist. Dozens of game players have reportedly burst into flames since the initial launch of the game earlier this week. First, it started with the monetary collapse,...
T-Shirt Printing Types – learn the basics
If you have made T-shirt for your band or are simply doing some preliminary research you probably are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole process. From Art to inventory T-Shirt production will initially eat up a lot of your bands budget and time but is essential. A...
Cheap Merch Ideas
Here are some ideas of merch items you can make for $50 or less. Some of these have minimums some do not. I make buttons Full disclosure - I make buttons - so you should totally do that first. Some of these items are not the highest selling items but can provide value...
Don’t forget the Womens Shirts
Don't forget to order shirts for the ladies! Chances are if you make music your fanbase is of both the male and female variety. Don't listen to the bass player Your smelly bass player will try and tell you that women can wear men's shirts so you can cut corners and...
A brief overview of band stickers
Stickers. They are those things that need to be at your merch booth. Maybe you sell them, maybe you give them away - but in any case, your fans want them and if you plan on playing gigs you will soon be providing them for them. The different types There is an entire...
Start a mail chimp email list for your band
Your band needs an email list and now is the time to get started. The overarching problem with social media and band profile websites it that you don't have long-term or finite control over them like you would your own website. Building an email list is an important...
Finally! Instagram allow you to sign in to multiple accounts
Are you managing multiple accounts? Have one for the band, you, and your cat? Ok probably not for the cat because that would just be ridiculous right? And also I don't want to see the massive drop in unfollows when I stop posting cat photos, my ego can't sustain on...
Keeping your band shirts organized.
Maybe I'm a bit compulsive, but I really enjoy when things are organized - specifically my band's merch. You may have gotten that vibe if you read my 11 suggestions to improve your bands merch. We go thru a lot of shirts and at times keeping them organized,...
Think before you print this website
Please think before you print this blog post. Please consider the environment before printing this batman mask. Or this david bowie mask. Or this Miley Virus. Just think about it before you print out any of these... Please consider the environment before "coloring me...
Bloggers: Top 7 list of top 7 lists of 2015
Some really great lists this year. Buzzfeed Lifehacker Foodbeast A+ Guff Zergnet List25
149 Keyboard Shortcuts every users should memorize before doing anything on a mac.
Shortcut Description Command-X Cut: Remove the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard. Command-C Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also works for files in the Finder. Command-V Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the current document...