Podcasts & Press
KWJUDAS S8 E157 – Nick & Aria
Unveiling the Eclectic Waves of Music: KWJUDAS Podcast Episode - A Journey Through Sound If you're an avid music enthusiast always on the lookout for fresh and diverse sounds, then you're in for a treat! The upcoming podcast episode of KWJUDAS, set to be recorded on...
The New Utah Podcast Episode – 372 Nick Passey and Aria Darling
Unveiling Stories and Creativity: The New Utah Podcast, Episode 372 - A Chat with Nick Passey and Aria Darling Greetings, podcast enthusiasts! If you're on the lookout for an engaging and entertaining podcast experience, look no further. In this week's exciting...
Nick Passey & Aria Darling on the Foxhole Sessions Podcast
Harmonious Conversations: Exploring the Journey with Nick Passey & Aria Darling on the Foxhole Podcast Welcome back, dear readers and podcast aficionados! Today, we're diving into a captivating episode that's sure to pique your interest. Settle in for a remarkable...
Mediocre 892 Podcast with Nick Passey and The Human Ribs
Exploring Creativity and Connection: A Deep Dive into the Mediocre 892 Podcast with Nick Passey and The Human Ribs Hello, fellow podcast enthusiasts! Prepare to embark on an enriching journey as we delve into a remarkable episode that promises to capture your...
Interview #29 with Nick Passey, Founder of Record Spread
Exploring Musical Horizons: Interview #29 with Nick Passey, Founder of Record Spread Greetings, music enthusiasts and seekers of sonic adventures! Today, we're diving into the realm of melodies, vinyl, and the joy of musical exploration. Welcome to Interview #29 of...
The New Utah Podcast Ep 237 – Robots
Unveiling Creativity and Connection: Exploring Episode 237 of The New Utah Podcast - "CREATE THE THING. SELL THE THING." Hello, podcast enthusiasts and curious minds! Welcome to a journey that promises to inspire, inform, and entertain. Today, we're diving deep into...
Salt Lake Tribune Utah-based album of the month club aims to help musicians hurt by the pandemic
Supporting Musicians Amidst the Pandemic: Utah-based Album of the Month Club Steps Up In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the music industry faced a seismic shift, with concerts canceled and venues shuttered. As uncertainty loomed large, musicians found themselves...
Salt Lake City Musician Nick Passey – #429
Rediscovering Musical Journeys: The Return of Nick Passey - A Look into the April 19, 2020 Episode Hello, podcast enthusiasts and music aficionados! Today, we're rewinding to April 19, 2020, a date etched in the podcast realm for its significant episode featuring the...
Talk Music To Me #15 – Nick Passey from Folk Hogan
This interview took place right in mid April and was released a few months later. It is a really good look into the differences between my solo project and playing guitar in the mighty Folk Hogan. We hit on the concept of how records are made, failure, and being a DIY...
Slug Soundwaves Podcast – Episode #284
Listen Here: https://www.slugmag.com/soundwaves/episode-284-nick-passey/ Nick Passey, more commonly known as ‘NP,’ is a local, acoustic act with a background comprising many different experiences and genres. In this episode of Soundwaves, Passey discusses how he...
The New Utah Podcast Episode 93 – Vegan Grindr Should Exist
Listen here: http://thenewutah.com/2018/03/09/episode-93-vegan-grindr-should-exist/ We, at the New Utah Podcast, have been very fortunate to build relationships in the community and keep them going over the past 93 weeks! Nicky Passey joined us forepisode 37 when his...
Slug Magazine Local Reviews
Read it below or here: http://www.slugmag.com/local-music-reviews/local-nick-passey-just-working-thru-shit/ Local review in slug mag: NICK PASSEY JUST WORKING THRU SOME SHIT Self-released Street: 04.21 Nick Passey = Tom Waits + Johnny Cash + Folk Hogan Nick Passey...
mediocre 723 (nick passey 5 pack)
I’ve been a listener of the Mediocre Show for over 10 years. This podcast means a lot of to me so it is a dream come true to have my music be featured as a six pack. Well - a 5 pack, but I really like to think that if you sent me to the store to get a 6 pack of beer...
The New Utah Podcast, Episode 37, Start Valentines Dry
I had the pleasant experience leading up to the album release of being on The New Utah Podcast. We talked about current events, Folk Hogan, Pugs, and so much more. Check out the episode here: https://thenewutah.wordpress.com/2017/02/09/episode-37-pug-in-a-bag/ Catch...
I am Salt Lake Podcast | Episode 130 – Nick Passey from Folk Hogan
I was on the I am Salt Lake Podcast with Chris Holifield were we talked about growing up in Utah County. Making NPbuttons, and Folk Hogan. Listen to it here: Play in new window Catch the I Am Salt Lake Podcast on their various outlets: Web: http://www.iamsaltlake.com...
Obviously Oblivious Podcast Episode 00108
“Nick Passey” Nick talks shop with seasoned podcrafters Mike Pilot and South Philly Paul on OO. On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/obviously-oblivious/id322154103