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You’ll never believe this clickbait article…

You’ll never believe this clickbait article…

If you think it was a waste of time to click on this otherwise pointless article, you may be correct. However you may also be wrong. Its like my uncle once said “opinions are like nipples” I’m not really sure how that is relevant to the current...
The New Utah Podcast, Episode 37, Start Valentines Dry

The New Utah Podcast, Episode 37, Start Valentines Dry

I had the pleasant experience leading up to the album release of being on The New Utah Podcast. We talked about current events, Folk Hogan, Pugs, and so much more. Check out the episode here: Catch...
New Game causes end of times, analysts say

New Game causes end of times, analysts say

“It started with a simple game and ended with fire-breathing demons and mass hysteria.” says local pokéist. Dozens of game players have reportedly burst into flames since the initial launch of the game earlier this week. First, it started with the monetary...
T-Shirt Printing Types – learn the basics

T-Shirt Printing Types – learn the basics

If you have made T-shirt for your band or are simply doing some preliminary research you probably are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole process. From Art to inventory T-Shirt production will initially eat up a lot of your bands budget and time but is essential. A...
Cheap Merch Ideas

Cheap Merch Ideas

Here are some ideas of merch items you can make for $50 or less. Some of these have minimums some do not. I make buttons Full disclosure – I make buttons – so you should totally do that first. Some of these items are not the highest selling items but can...